The Answers You’re Looking For In Life…

•BIG Money. •BIG Love. •Freedom. •Impact. That’s what we want. But we were influenced to settle for less than we deserve. They told us to be realistic. But they don’t know what I know. And they don’t feel what I feel. And that’s why they won’t have what I’ll have. I’ll never settle. I’ll take what’s mine.  Throughout our lives, since the beginning, we’ve been influenced to believe that true happiness and fulfillment cannot be achieved in this life. We’ve been conditioned to believe that this type of life is only for the rich and famous. It’s just straight up not true. Look around. Most of us are mindlessly going through the day, waiting on the weekend. I’ve been guilty...

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Your Highs and Lows Make You Unique.

I know you’ve been through it. You’ve seen hard times. People don’t treat you like they used to. And money always feels like an issue. You’ve seen people come and go. And you’re tired. I get it. Sometimes it feels like you’re running in place. Like all the hard work you do is just enough to keep standing still. But this is what you have to understand: This chapter of your life is not permanent. And whether you can see it or not, if you’ll allow it to, this chapter can build you up and make you better. What feels like a loss is actually a necessary step that you have to take on the way to your greatest accomplishments....

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Life’s Winning Formula

I’ve always wanted to make the most of life. Most people would say the same. Whether it was in sports, with family, with money, or success, I’ve always wanted the best. And that’s most of us. We all want to: Make a lot of money Live in a nice house Have happy relationships Have a certain level of fitness and health Do things we love I’ve pretty much made it my mission to maximize all those areas in my life. So I’ve been on my pursuit searching for answers and trying new things for a while. And I’ve learned so much. For me, it’s more than just a desire. I actually feel like I’m supposed to find the way from...

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What you can learn from your younger self….

You used to have so much passion and energy. You were that kid that had high hopes, big dreams, and big love, living everyday to the fullest. Just having fun. But things changed… Life changed. I know about this because I’m the same. Kids have something most adults don’t have. And we could learn a lot from them by paying attention to the difference. They have zero limitations in their minds. Anything and everything is possible. They’re bold. They live with passion. They’re present. All- in on everything they do, not worried about yesterday or tomorrow, just giving each day their best because to them, each day is a new opportunity to enjoy life. They’re not ashamed. They’ll tell anybody...

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Life is good but is something missing?

Sometimes, life is easy. You’re on a high, you just reached a goal, things are moving up. Those times are great, but times of extreme accomplishment come and go. Then, there are times in life when it’s hard. The bills, the work, health issues, or feelings of a lack of time and sleep can all add up to create stress. But those times won’t last forever either. More often than not, you find yourself coasting in an “Average Day.” The Average Day: You’re not overly happy or unhappy. There’s not a ton of excitement. You’re just living and taking care of your responsibilities. We’re all human, and we all go through ups and downs. But we spend most of our...

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