The Complete Human Experience: Mind, Body, Spirit

I don’t want to just succeed. I want to be great.

I want my life to be great.

I don’t want to just make it through.

I want to thrive.

I want The Complete Human Experience.

Once you become an adult, you live most of your life in a sprint. It’s because we want to make the most of life.

We live in a world that constantly pushes us to chase superficial success, so it's easy to lose sight of the things that truly matter.

And with that chase alone, it’ll never keep you happy.

What I’ve learned is that as fast as your goals come and go, the joy you get from achieving them does too. Then, it’s on to the next.

It’s because it’s deeper than that.

I want my joy to be perpetual.

So what if I told you that the key to living a deeply fulfilling life is not found in all of the achievements but in taking care of the core foundations within yourself?

Theres a scripture that says,

“What shall it profit a man, if he shall gain the whole world, and lose his own soul?”

This says it all.

Today, I want to talk about how you can take control and build a life that’s not just successful, but truly whole and have The Complete Human Experience.

The Pursuit of Fulfillment: Why Most People Feel Unfulfilled Despite Success

You know what it’s like when you feel like something’s missing? Like, you’ve hit some goals, checked off some of the things that you wanted to do, and then still feel some kind of emptiness.

I’ve learned that feeling is way more common than you think, and it’s something that a lot of people struggle with. That even goes for the ones that seem like they have it all.

I talk a lot about conditioning, and to be honest, we’ve been conditioned by society to focus on all the materialistic things like money and possessions thinking that those things will bring us happiness.

So first we got conditioned to settle. And then, we got conditioned to run around in circles trying to get stuff that the settled lifestyle cannot get. That’s the trap.

More money and things can give us temporary satisfaction, but things don’t have the capacity to lead to lasting fulfillment.

Money is just a tool that will amplify what you already have.

So if you plan on getting a lot of money, it would be wise to get ahold of your mindset and lifestyle first.

Before we go become superficially successful in all the ways that we plan to, we need to build a strong foundation within ourselves.

Then, you’ll have greatness on the inside and greatness on the outside.

That’s The Complete Human Experience.

The Three Core Foundations: Building Blocks of a Complete Human Experience

To live a life that’s actually fulfilling, you have to take care of the three core foundations that make up the complete human experience: spiritual health, mental health, and physical health.

These are the pillars that support everything else in your life.

When these foundations are strong, EVERYTHING ELSE—your relationships, your career, your happiness—all starts to fall into place.

1. Spiritual Health: This foundation is about connecting with something greater than yourself. It’s about understanding your purpose in life and aligning your daily actions with that purpose. Purpose and a relationship with the Creator gives your life deeper meaning.

2. Mental Health: Your mental well-being is crucial to how you experience life. It affects your thoughts, then your thoughts affect your actions, and your actions create your reality. Taking care of your mental health means being mindful of your thoughts, managing stress, and surrounding yourself with positive influence.

3. Physical Health: Your body is the vessel that carries you through this life. So, without a healthy body, it’s hard to achieve anything. Physical health is about maintaining your body through a proper diet, exercise, and rest to make sure you have the energy and vitality to pursue your goals.

These three foundations work together. When one is weak, it has an effect on the others.

If your physical health is poor, it can lead to mental health challenges, and that can affect your spiritual well-being.

But in the same way, strengthening one foundation can have a positive influence on the others, and that creates a ripple effect of improvement in your life.

So Why Do We Ignore Our Foundations?

Even thought they’re so important, we neglect them. But why?

It’s because we’re so focused on all the external things. We chase success, money, and recognition, and think those will bring us happiness.

We’re always like,

“If I can just get one more.”

It’s a game that has to end at some point.

At some point, we get too old to sprint.

And if we haven’t done anything but acquire a lot of stuff, what are we left with when we can’t make those same achievements anymore?

Let’s build up the inside AND the outside.

I want my mind and body to be like my soul!

I want my external life to just be a reflection of the joy and gratitude I have on the inside.

Our neglect can come through in several ways:

- Burnout: Constantly pushing yourself to achieve more without taking care of your mental and physical health can lead to burnout. And you could find yourself tired, lacking motivation, and struggling to find joy in the things that you used to.

- Disconnection: Focusing solely on external success can lead to a disconnection from your spiritual self. You may feel lost, without a sense of purpose, and wondering what all your hard work is for.

- Physical Decline: Neglecting your body can have serious consequences. Lack of physical health can lead to a lack of energy, sickness, and a decreased ability to enjoy life’s pleasures.

The Cost of Ignoring Your Foundations

When you ignore these foundations over time, the effects compound, and it leads to a life that feels like it’s in pieces and unbalanced. You might do some great things on the outside, but if your internal foundations are weak, you’ll always feel like something is missing.

Then, you’re constantly searching for more but never finding it.

That’s not fulfillment.

Because success is not success without taking care of yourself.

Without a strong foundation, you’re building your life on sand, and eventually, it has to crumble.

Even Science Says It

Studies show that people that prioritize their mental, physical, and spiritual health have higher levels of life satisfaction, lower levels of stress, and greater overall well-being.

And there’s research published in “Psychological Science” that shows that people who have a strong sense of purpose and spiritual connection have greater resilience when they go through low points in life.

When you really take the time to prioritize your spiritual, mental, and physical health, you’re improving your quality of life and laying the groundwork for long-term success and fulfillment.

How to Start Building The Foundation

So, this is how you start building the foundation that you’ll build your life on. Here are some practical things you can do to start taking care of your spiritual, mental, and physical health:

1. Spiritual Health:

   - Start each day with intention. Pray, read, and take a few minutes every morning to connect with your higher purpose.

   - Reflect on your actions and make sure they’re lining up with your beliefs. Make sure that what you do each day adds to your overall sense of purpose.

2. Mental Health:

   - Guard your mind by being selective about what you allow to influence you. Surround yourself with positive people, consume uplifting content, and practice gratitude.

   - Take time to be present. Realize that you cannot change the past, but you can shape your future by making the most of the present.

3. Physical Health:

   - Prioritize your physical well-being by being active. Even small changes, like daily walks or stretching, can have an impact on your health. And it builds momentum and creates a pattern loop for good habits. Start small and let it grow.

   - Make healthier eating a habit. Focus on good nutrition that fuels your body and supports your energy levels throughout the day. I like snacks just as much as anybody. But I normally eat pretty healthy during the weekdays and get silly with the snacks on weekends.

That’s the most basic way to start building yourself up. Taking care of yourself is great for you and everybody you come in contact with.

If you want joy, happiness, and fulfillment, this is a perfect place to start.

If you wanna go deeper, I built a course that goes along with my book NVR SETTLE. The course is called The Whole Human and you can find that on my website

Don’t build your life on sand.

Let’s live our lives in a way that’s not just successful on the surface, but actually satisfying in our souls.

You do have the power to create a life of fulfillment, joy, and meaning.

I hope you enjoyed it my friends.

I appreciate you being here.

Don’t forget to check out my socials @zachbanes and like and subscribe to the YouTube.

Until next week!

I’m your friend. I’m your brother. It’s ya boy,

Zach Banes