Learn This Skill To Own Your Life

You know how some people look like they’ve just got it all figured out?

That has always caught my attention.

I think we can all look back to when we were kids and see that carefree attitude. It was not so much that we had it all figured out. We were really just ignorant of the fact that there was anything to figure out at all.

We had no responsibilities. Floating around with no worries.

As you get older, the responsibilities start to add up until you feel like you’re juggling so much that you’re doing your best at times to just make it through the day.

And by that time, you’ve got very little energy left to offer anything else.

The problem with that is all those days we spend bouncing around add up until our day to day lives feel unorganized and uneventful.

And then, you see those people I was talking about. The ones that have it all figured out.

I’m sure you can see somebody in your mind right now.

They seem stress free.

But how?

You might think:

•They have money.

•They were born into it.

•They had a really good home life.

•They’ve never experienced pain.

Those can be true in some cases, but not most cases.

People are people, and we all go through ups and downs. Very few people have completely easy lives.

Still, I’ve never completely figured out some of those people.

But I did figure something out that really changed my own life.

I remember running around non-stop wondering where my life was going.

I spent so much time thinking about the way things should have been.

At times, I felt like God had given me a false hope when I was young of a promising future.

I had finally surrendered to Him and I was broke as a joke, losing friends, and losing hope.

That was until I got completely tired of it and started searching for answers.

That’s when I began to learn about this skill that put me back on track and helped me take control and own my life.

What is the skill?

Lifestyle Design.

I know you’ve probably heard people talk about this in a vague way. You’ve probably shut it off because it sounds boring and obvious.

I did the same thing.

But I’m not talking about just arranging things in your life.

I’m talking about looking at life the way an artist looks at a blank canvas. 

I’ve always been into drawing and writing.

I’ve put together some pieces of art that I’m really proud of.

But the piece of art that I’m most proud of is my life.

I see it as my masterpiece.

It’s like fitting pieces of a puzzle together until it’s complete.

The pillars of my masterpiece are my family, my faith, and my purpose.

Those are the most important pieces, but I like to put together even the smallest details.

I like to zone in on a particular area of my life, shape it up to become acceptable or great, learn how to maintain that shape, and shift my focus to the next area to perfect.

I like to get down to the fine details, figure out what fits for my life, then master what’s next.

For example:

  • I always loved the name “Emma.” Do you think it’s a coincidence that my wife’s name is “Emma?” Maybe it’s divine intervention, but even in my ignorance, I pursued her with intention.
  • I always wanted to workout and become strong. I learned how to do that and still maintain that today. So, that puzzle piece is in place. It’s a part of my identity now.
  • I wanted to make music.
  • I wanted to write.
  • I wanted to be a great husband and daddy.

This goes all the way down to vehicles I drive and the cologne I wear. I try things until I find what’s right for me, then focus on figuring out what’s next.

I could go on and on about all those little things, but you get the point.

I’ve still got so much I want to do in life, so I’ve nowhere near got this thing completely figured out. But I really am happy with the progress.

It’s art.

With less for us to figure out, more energy can be focused on going forward and being intentional about the future.

You can move around all the pieces of your life until you figure out the puzzle.

The more pieces you put in place, the more fulfilled you’ll be.

These are the lessons of Lifestyle Design:

1. First, you’ve gotta know if something is actually for you or not.

Some things, you’ll always know, just like I’ve always known I’d write one day. Then with some things, you’ll have to try to see if it’s for you or not.

2. Once you know what’s for you, you have to find out how to make it fit into your life.

The key to finding where the piece fits is to NEVER COMPROMISE. It’s easier said than done at times.

If it’s outside of normal life and responsibilities, it might take some time and patience to find a way to make it work. You might have to get up earlier or stay up later. Just don’t compromise it.

If you’re persistent, you will eventually find its place in your life.

When you’re designing your life, you might not have it all figured out, but you’ll be happy with your progress.

To drive the point home, let’s run through it one more time.

  • You know those people that seem like they have it all figured out?
  • It’s easy to assume that they have access to privileges that you don’t.
  • Most of us have to make our own way.
  • There is no ultimate blueprint for success that we can all follow.
  • You might have to be persistent and intentional.
  • But through that process, you’ll find what makes you complete.

You are the artist.

Your life is your masterpiece.

See what fits.

When you find what fits, never compromise.

Do not let anyone or anything stop you from creating something you’re proud of.

I hope you enjoyed this one!

My book NVR SETTLE is officially out now on my website zachbanes.com and on Amazon. Whether you get the book or not, it would mean so much to me for you to go write a positive review!

You can check out the other content on my site. Find me on my socials @zachbanes and subscribe to the YouTube channel and newsletter.

Have a great rest of the week!

I’m your friend. I’m your brother. It’s ya boy,

Zach Banes